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The 'Sissy Boy' Experiment - [Documentary]

This week, CNN's Anderson Cooper aired a three-part series on AC360 called "The 'Sissy Boy' Experiment: Uncovering the Truth." The series centered around the tragic life of Kirk Andrew Murphy, as was first reported by Jim Burroway on the blog Box Turtle Bulletin.

Click here to read "What Are Little Boys Made Of?," Jim Burroway's original investigation.

At the age of four, Kirk was a seemingly happy little boy, the middle of three children. His older brother, Mark, has a picture of Kirk the last time he remembers him smiling - Kirk was four years old at the time. The following year, Kirk's mother, Kaytee, enrolled him in a government-funded study at UCLA that was aimed at making effeminate boys more masculine, or ridding Kirk of what participating researchers later called 'Sissy Boy Syndrome.' The happy demeanor of four-year-old Kirk was never to be seen again.

Kaytee Murphy says she enrolled Kirk in the study because she was concerned about him playing with "girls' toys." A psychologist appearing on a local TV program suggested boys like Kirk would become gay unless intervention, by way of 'treatment,' was sought.

"I was seeing effeminate mannerisms," Kaytee told Anderson Cooper. "It bothered me, because I wanted Kirk to grow up and have a normal life."


Part 1
YouTube Video

Part 2
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Part 3
YouTube Video

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